Research Curriculum
Residents are provided mentoring and guidance through didactic series focused on principles of research and opportunities for mentored research projects. This curriculum allows residents to develop the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to develop a research project from hypothesis generation to publication. Residents at Cooper University benefit from the guidance of Dr. Elizabeth Cerceo, Associate Program Director, and Dr. Satyajeet Roy, Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Research Program. Their leadership allows residents to develop unique research projects and see them through.
Satyajeet Roy, MD, FACP |
Elizabeth A Cerceo, MD |
Research Speed Dating
The goal of these 1-hour long events is to have attendings and fellows active in research in the Department of Medicine meet with residents who are interested in embarking on new projects. These events are held biannually.
Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Program
The Cooper IM Residency program has a robust program to educate house staff in quality improvement and patient safety methodologies through numerous activities. A curriculum delivered through noon conference sessions educates residents on improvement science and change management. Residents have opportunities to participate in hospital committees focused on health care improvement as well as to volunteer to present and lead discussions at a Department of Medicine Systems Morbidity & Mortality Conferences that analyzes patient safety events and seeks to prevent them from reoccurring. Each resident will be involved in at least one QI project during their three years. Our QI/PS program seeks to provide our trainees with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to evaluate opportunities for improvement in patient care and implement change for the better at a large tertiary care medical institution. We also have many residents that are heavily involved in the GME Patient Safety & QI Committee. Additionally, residents have the opportunity to learn more about patient safety and QI through electives such as the pharmacy safety elective and by receiving funding to attend national conferences.
Resident Publications / Independent Research Projects
Alabd, A., Alabd, A., Bolaji, O., Sugumar, K., Ammori, J., Hardacre, J., & Winter, J. M. (2021). Elucidating the Causes of Improved Survival in Clinical Trials of Randomized Adjuvant Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Annals of surgical oncology, 28(2), 1060–1068.
Foster M., Murphy M, Wald J, Acker M, Bermudez C, Rame ER. (2020). Partial Recovery of Ejection Fraction with Neurohumoral Blockade Improves Long-Term Event Free Survival for Patients with Continuous Flow LVAD. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 39(4), S132-S133.
Clemons, D., Lee, A., Ajmeri, S., Terrigno, V., Zaid, J., Hunter, K., & Roy, S. (2021). High-Sensitivity Troponin for Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Versus Patients Without Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of clinical medicine research, 13(6), 326–333.
Roy S., Hyman D., Ayyala S., Bakhshi A., Kim S., Anoruo N., Weinstock J., Balogun, A., D’Souza, M., Filatova, N., Penabad, J., Shah, P., Perez, C., Mehta, A., Hunter, K. (2020). Cognitive Function Assessment in Patients on Moderate- or High-Intensity Statin Therapy. J Clin Med Res;12(4):255-265.
Moshman, R., Ricketti, D., et al. (2023) Unruptured Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm Leading to Decompensated Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 81 (8_Supplement) 3731.
Aligholizadeh, E., Norcross, G., Datwani, N., et al. (2023). The Intruder: An incidental RA Mass . J Am Coll Cardiol. 81 (8_Supplement) 3657.
Guma, J. The other end of the line. Postgraduate Medical Journal, Volume 99, Issue 1169, March 2023, Pages 232–233,
Badr, S., Nyce, A., Al Soueidy, A., Freeze, B., Bosire, J. Jovin, F., Kupersmith, E., Mazzarelli, A. Rachoin, JS. (2022) ED Patient Experience: Does Day of the Week or Time of the Day Matter? J Patient Exp; 9: 23743735221143734.
Al Soueidy, A., & Norcross, G., & Tzeng, M., & Sangiovanni, C., & Waldman, B.A. Clot Behind the Wall: A complicated Case of an Atrial Septal Pouch. (2023). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 81(No 8) 3667
M Qureshi, A Alabd, E Behling, R Schwarting. (2022) Acute liver failure in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a diagnostic dilemma. Cureus. DOI 10.7759/cureus.23455
Qureshi, M., Frank, R., Dalal, K. (2022). A Rare Cause of Obstructive Jaundice: Afferent Limb Syndrome. American Journal of Gastroenterology. DOI: 10.14309/01.ajg.0000870764.85051.67
Chouthai, A., Garcia, A., Dhawan, I., Capanescu, C. (2022). A Case of Syphilitic Hepatitis (SH): An Elusive Diagnosis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 117(10S):p e2075-e2076. DOI: 10.14309/
Jain, A., Shah, A., Kazmi, K., Kaufman ,S., & Bhat, G. (2023) A Radiographic Diagnosis: IgG4-Related Hypophysitis Presenting with Hypopituitarism and Central Diabetes Insipidus. Vol 25 Issue 5. S82-S83. DOI:
Residents Presenting at Local, Regional, and National Conferences: